Deixe as burocracias do seu negócio com a gente.

Serviços de gerenciamento de contas, gestão de contas, gestão de contas, gestão de contas.

The fastest way to launch a product

Batteries included. All the features you need to start getting paid today!

  • Authentication

    Includes password and social login flows for user convenience. Easily add more providers through Lucia Auth.

  • Payments

    Stripe subscriptions and payments integration from day one. Users can manage subscriptions in the billing portal.

  • Own the data

    Built with the most reliable and scalable database, Postgres. Use of Drizzle ORM makes it easy to use with any provider e.g. Supabase, AWS RDS...

  • Enterprise ready

    Users can create teams and projects, and invite members.

  • Elegant Design

    Craft beautiful sites with NuxtUI and Headless UI components. Built with TailwindCSS and mobile first.

  • Flexible

    You own the code. Modify it to your heart's content thanks to the modularized architecture.

Don't reinvent the wheel

Subscription products and prices are synchronized from Stripe.

Perguntas Frequentes

Sinta-se livre para entrar em contato conosco se a sua pergunta não estiver respondida aqui.

What do I get with this?

The Nuxt starter with all the code you need to run an online business. A Stripe payment system, a PostgreSQL database schema in Drizzle ORM, Lucia Auth login, UI components etc. All code is in Typescript.

Is it easy to setup?

Yes. Clone the repo and add your environment variables and you are ready to start building your own features.

I can build it myself, why should I use UseNuxt?

True. How much time are you going to spend researching and building all the features that do not differentiate your product and how much is that time worth to you? While you do so, your competitors are busy launching and selling.

I have other questions!

Sure. Contact me at